Wayzata Legion

Stats (Leaders) - Summer 2017

All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 15 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Games Started GS
1. Cam Keenan 32
2. Jack Rothstein 31
3. Chad Musser 29
4. Keegan Nickel 29
5. Bobby Isbell 27
Plate Appearances PA
1. Cam Keenan 132
2. Chad Musser 111
3. Jack Rothstein 111
4. Bobby Isbell 99
5. Keegan Nickel 91
Batting Average AVG
1. Jack Rothstein .404
2. Will Oberg .388
3. Nick Kaye .382
4. Cam Keenan .368
5. Tyler Young .361
On-Base Percentage OBP
1. Nick Kaye .482
2. Will Oberg .481
3. Tyler Young .474
4. Jack Rothstein .455
5. Cam Keenan .435
Slugging Percentage SLG
1. Will Oberg .537
2. Jack Rothstein .525
3. Nick Kaye .471
4. Cam Keenan .436
5. Tyler Young .410
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
1. Will Oberg 1.019
2. Jack Rothstein .980
3. Nick Kaye .953
4. Tyler Young .884
5. Cam Keenan .871
Runs Batted In RBI
1. Jack Rothstein 24
2. Nick Kaye 21
3. Chad Musser 19
4. Tyler Young 18
5. Will Oberg 14
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Bobby Isbell 15
2. Chad Musser 14
3. Will Oberg 13
4. Tyler Young 13
5. Cam Keenan 13
Intentional Bases on Balls (Walks) IBB
1. Bobby Isbell 0
2. Peyton Gallagher 0
3. Charles Engdahl 0
4. Danny Deis 0
5. Nick Kaye 0
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
1. Keegan Nickel 3
2. Bobby Isbell 2
3. Tyler Young 1
4. Charles Engdahl 1
5. Nick Kaye 1
Fielder's Choice FC
1. Will Oberg 4
2. Chad Musser 4
3. Danny Deis 3
4. Tyler Young 3
5. Thomas Grochala 2
Double Plays Hit Into DP
1. Keegan Nickel 2
2. Will Oberg 2
3. Jack Rothstein 2
4. Charles Engdahl 1
5. Cam Keenan 1
Triple Plays Hit Into TP
1. Bobby Isbell 0
2. Peyton Gallagher 0
3. Charles Engdahl 0
4. Danny Deis 0
5. Nick Kaye 0
Catcher's Interference CI
1. Jack Rothstein 1
2. Alec Lonson 0
3. Charles Engdahl 0
4. Danny Deis 0
5. Nick Kaye 0
Total Bases TB
1. Jack Rothstein 52
2. Cam Keenan 51
3. Will Oberg 36
4. Chad Musser 33
5. Nick Kaye 32
Note: A minimum of 5 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Innings Pitched IP
1. Donny Schroeder 36.2
2. Alec Lonson 32.1
3. Sam Westermeyer 29.1
4. Matthew Bohlke 25.1
5. Bobby Isbell 25.0
Earned Run Average per Seven Innings Pitched ERA/7
1. Chad Musser 0.58
2. Thomas Grochala 0.66
3. Bobby Isbell 0.84
4. Sam Westermeyer 0.95
5. Nick Kaye 1.00
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Peyton Gallagher 10
2. Alec Lonson 9
3. Donny Schroeder 7
4. Bobby Isbell 5
5. Sam Westermeyer 5
At Bats - official at bats AB
1. Donny Schroeder 133
2. Alec Lonson 126
3. Sam Westermeyer 108
4. Bobby Isbell 100
5. Matthew Bohlke 91
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
1. Sam Westermeyer 0.68
2. Chad Musser 0.75
3. Thomas Grochala 0.75
4. Matthew Bohlke 0.79
5. Will Oberg 0.97
Batters Faced - the total number of batters faced BF
1. Donny Schroeder 146
2. Alec Lonson 138
3. Sam Westermeyer 112
4. Bobby Isbell 105
5. Peyton Gallagher 101
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
1. Matthew Bohlke 12.00
2. Chad Musser 10.00
3. Sam Westermeyer 7.40
4. Alec Lonson 4.22
5. Bobby Isbell 3.60
Hits per Seven Innings Pitched H/7
1. Thomas Grochala 3.28
2. Sam Westermeyer 3.58
3. Chad Musser 4.67
4. Peyton Gallagher 4.67
5. Will Oberg 4.74
Bases on Balls per Seven Innings Pitched BB/7
1. Matthew Bohlke 0.55
2. Chad Musser 0.58
3. Sam Westermeyer 1.19
4. Donny Schroeder 1.34
5. Bobby Isbell 1.40
Strikeouts per Seven Innings Pitched SO/7
1. Sam Westermeyer 8.83
2. Alec Lonson 8.23
3. Peyton Gallagher 7.58
4. Matthew Bohlke 6.63
5. Chad Musser 5.83
Batting Average Against BAA
1. Sam Westermeyer .139
2. Thomas Grochala .139
3. Peyton Gallagher .176
4. Chad Musser .182
5. Will Oberg .189
Note: A minimum of 1 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Total Chances TC
1. Jack Rothstein 192
2. Tyler Young 143
3. Keegan Nickel 109
4. Bobby Isbell 75
5. Thomas Grochala 73
Fielding Percentage FPCT
1. Alec Lonson 1.000
2. Tyler Young 1.000
3. Charles Engdahl 1.000
4. Thomas Grochala 1.000
5. Matthew Bohlke 1.000
Outfield Assists OFA
1. Charles Engdahl 2
2. Will Oberg 1
3. Cam Keenan 1
4. Danny Deis 1
5. Alec Lonson 0